Turf Over-Seeding Program
San Tan Landscape Management can give you a beautiful green lawn throughout the winter months and into next spring. We take care of the entire over-seeding process. Our knowledgeable staff and professional turf equipment gives our clients the confidence that they are receiving the best service and quality products in Turf Management. The overseeding services are usually scheduled for late September and October.
Are you asking why over-seed your existing Bermuda Grass lawn? The obvious reason is Bermuda Grass here in the Southwest goes dormant during the colder months of the year. This leaves our landscapes with brown lawns and undesirable appearances. Non-seeded or renovated turf encourages weed growth and the potential for fungus diseases. But more important than the actual over-seeding of annual or perrennial rye, is the turf renovation process that is done at the same time to prepare our Bermuda Grass Lawns for the springtime.
Turf Renovation & Over-Seeding Process:
Reduce water consumption starting Mid-September
Night time temperatures need to drop and stabilize around 70 degrees
Height of turf will be lowered over several mowings
Scalp turf areas for seed preparation
Dethatch turf to remove dead grass or mat with professional turf dethatcher
Aerate turf for better water penetration with professional turf aerator
Rake & mow turf areas again to remove all dead thatch
Fertilize, over-seed with perennial rye, and apply top dressing
Adjust Irrigation Controller for new seed watering requirements
First mowing in approximately two weeks
Adjust Irrigation Controller again for Winter & Spring watering requirements |