Monsoons can be dangerous. Please check the following tips to help keep you safe during our potentially dangerous stormy season!
1. Do not stand near trees or tall poles to avoid being struck by lightning. Stay in your home or vehicle.
2. Avoid areas that are prone to flooding. The rains come swiftly and heavily
3 Do not use a telephone
4 Avoid large farm equipment, golf carts, or other large metal equipment.
5 Dust devils are also associated with monsoons. Try to avoid getting caught in one.
6 Visibility can be near zero when monsoon thunderstorms are raging. If driving in a dangerous storm, fine somewhere to safely park your car.
7 If you pull over in your car to the side of the road, do not leave your lights on. Drivers with little or no visibility behind you may think you are still on the road and follow you. Smack!
8 Arizona rarely experiences tornadoes. You might see a microburst now and then. They, too, are scary.
9 If you are outside hiking or camping, be aware of quick wind shifts, quick cooling of temperature and increasing wind velocity. These are signals for thunderstorm activity.
10 If you are on a boat, get to land
11 Do not huddle closely together with other people. Spread out.
12 Avoid wide open areas.
13 If your hair starts to stand on end, that is a sign of electricity and you may be about to be struck by lightning. Drop to your knees and cover your head.